"The caves here have large entrances! "  

Núcleo Caboclos has a lot of caves as the one of Timinina, Aranhas (Spiders), Desmoronada (Collapsed) and Hat, among others and close to it is Núcleo Casa de Pedra (House of Stone Nucleus) with just the House of Stone cave, that presents the largest cave portal of the world

"Bye bye, thirst! "  

The cave Timimina possesses two internal gardens. She is collapsed and has beautiful calcareous formations. And it is worthwhile a lot the long trail.  

The House of Stone is the largest portal of cave of the world with 215 meters of height. To go to this cave and others from the nucleus Caboclos, you'll need to walk a lot and to hire a guide.   

"For which cave I do go now? "  

There are some attractions close to the city of Apiaí, such as: 

Gruta dos Caboclos (Cave of the Mestizos) - it is in an extensive scutched area among the mountains, with several streams. It is one great place for camping. 

Sambaqui do Pavão - from where it was taken away several indigenous objects and a lot of bones. 

"So dark! "  

Água da Pedra Amarela (Water of the Yellow Stone) - it comes from the hillside and  formed the stream Canal de Ouro (Canal of Gold).   

Parque dos Pilões (Park of the Crushers) - Secular Forest Reserve, it has got several rare plants.  

Cachoeira do Rio Iporanga (Waterfall of Iporanga river) - this river crosses the highway to São Paulo, presenting a rich vegetation in its whole course. 


"Odd rocks... "  

Cachoeira Grande (Big waterfall) - it is 75 meters of height and it already supplied Hidroelectrical Power Satation of the old local Power Company, disabled in 1965. 

Córrego do Varadouro (Stream of Varadouro) - Ribeira of Iguape river becomes thinner and its water flows by a canal. 

"I'm gone!"  



232 km

Rio de Janeiro

785 km

São Paulo

323 km

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1. There is a camp inside of the Nucleus of the Mestizos. It is where most of the people stay.  

2. Don't forget to take a flashlight.   

3. Allways inform in the guides station to where you're going. They are there to look after you. Some people got lost for up to two days, because they didn't inform the guides  

4. You have to pay a tax every day, for each person.  

5. Choose a pair of trainers just to wet. You will have to pass inside of several rivers. 

6. Don't go alone in caves, go with at least one more person. 

7. Use helmet. It seems silly, but head bangs are inevitable. And it hurts a lot.  

8. Don't leave anything inside the caves. Bring back everything you took inside there.  

9. Be careful with the stalactites and stalagmites. They are waiting for your visit for thousands of years.   

10. Don't miss visiting Temimina, Sete Reis (Seven Kings) and House of Stone caves. 

11. "the less known caves are worthwhile. Iraquara is the great center. Some need permission from Ibama, others, as Buraco do Cão (Hole of the Dog), does not. You'd better  rent a car, or use your own, and the company of a guide or someone who knows roads. Hole of the Dog is the best. It has one of the largests bride cake (calcareous formation) ever seen and an phenomenal entrance " tip from Carlos Costa  

12. "In the city, look for the local craft" tip from Cleber Cisne Catão 

13  "Hi! My name is Juliano Munhão, I am one of the many new Apiaí Environamental Monitors. I would like you to publish a little more about our work, that now is focused on  Morro do Ouro (Hill of the Gold).  It is a wonderful place with many galleries of old excavations, made in search of Gold in Apiaí, a trail to the the ruins of the gold washing place... and  beautiful interaction with the Atlantic forest, where you can find, for instance: mushrooms that only exist in places air purity index between 98% and 100%!!! " tip from Juliano Munhão 

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