"This is where the nightlife takes place."  

"Cachoeira das Fadas" (Waterfall of the Fairies): Located in Conselheiro Mata's District,  Waterfall of the Fairies has, approximately, 25 meters of height, forming a natural swimming pool, enclosed by a lot of vegetation.  It's a 35 minute walk, starting from the Church "Nossa Senhora das Dores", located at the main street. 

"This is "Mercado Municipal" (Municipal Market)."  

"Cachoeira dos Cristais" (Waterfall of the Crystals): Located in private property, the Waterfall of the Crystals is a beautiful area of rocky formation. It has two main falls, with two meters of average height each,  besides a natural swimming pool, ideal for bathing and to rest. To access it, it is necessary to walk about 400 meters after the parking area

"Take a look a that place. It looks like a picture."  

"Estrada dos Escravos" (Road of the Slaves): The road was built by the slaves in the 18th century. It was used as route for diamonds smugglers. The ground is made of great flagstones and it has a nice view of the city. Access is made the highway that takes to "Vale do Jequitinhonha" (Jequitinhonha Valley) 

"AAAAHHHH!!! "  

"Gruta do Salitre" (Grotto of the Saltpeter): it is formed by rocks that provide a spectacular landscape, reminding Gothic cathedrals. The place served as slaves' hiding place at the time of slavery in Brazil. Nowadays, it is also used for shows.  

"The view of the city from the Cross is awesome."  

"Gruta de Monte Cristo" (Grotto of Monte Cristo):  it is placed 12km from Diamantina. The access to its interior is made through a horizontal opening of approximately 15m of height for 25m of width. Its interior has two wide rooms with running water. 

"I'm going to pray... "  

"Mercado Municipal" (Municipal market):  it was built in 1835 with the purpose of being a ranch for the cowboys. It is a characteristic mark and of special historical meaning in the city. During a long time, it was the most important community space, initial and terminal point of changes. Since 1997, after the restoration of the building, the old ranch of the cowboys, represents one of the most significant point of cultural reference of the City hall of Diamantina, sheltering the Cultural Center David Ribeiro de Alcântara. 

"Can you believe the color of this water?"  

"Rua da Quitanda" (Quitanda Street): it is in downtown - Colonial Houses with prominence to the House of Muxarabiê (balcony with trellises), of Arab origin, from the second half of the 17th century and unique in Minas. 

"Passadiço da Casa da Glória" (Passage of Glória's House): Connection of two old houses of the 18th and 19th centuries. The buildings already served as residence for the first Bishop of Diamantina. Today, Glória's House shelters Institut Exchewege and it maintains a permanent exhibition of stones. Located at Glória street, 297 


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1. Visit Chica da Silva's House, in Diamantina.  

2. The grotto of the saltpeter is beautiful. Don't leave the city before visiting it. 

3. The city has a very good nightlife and excellent restaurants of typical food. 

4. If you have the time, visit Milho Verde, a nearby city with many waterfalls. 

5. Do you know Paraty, Ouro Preto, Tiradentes and liked it? Then you have to visit Diamantina. 

6. " The Carnival in Diamantina is great!! There are two bands that lead the party there: Bat Caverna, in the afternoon (very good) and Bartucada, at night (EXCELLENT!!). besides carnival music, they play Pop music and Axé with a awesome drum behind.  Besides, the city is cool and you won't spend much money there.  I went on the carnival of 2001 and 2003.  Concluding, congratulations for the site.  It's been about 2 years that I consult it to see the tips of the places and to look for the lodgings. Congratulations!! Hugs." tip from Pedro Porto Barbosa

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