"This is nice!"

Located in an area of 32038ha in the Rio Grande do Sul State and comprising parts of Santa Vitória do Palmar and Rio Grande municipal districts between Lagoa Mirim and Atlantic Ocean near the Arroio Chuí on the frontier with Uruguay , we find Taim Ecological Station. One of the main reasons that have led to the creation of Taim Ecological Station on July 21, 1986, by Decree nro. 92,963, was the fact that area is one of the sites through which several species of migratory animals gave to cross when they are coming from Patagônia. 

The mere use of the Station still more important since as far as the migratory species are concerned the destruction of an area within the migration route may jeopardize their existence. 

"The wind is too strong here."

In the north of the Station there is a small 10ha forest constitutes a real precious ecological site. The predominant trees are the Ficus organensis and the Erythrina sp from which hangs the "barbas-de-velho" vegetation that offers a decorative effect. On the trees we find also beautiful orchids, namely the Catt/eya intermedia. 

In the marsh that constitutes the major part of the Station predominates the Sairpus californicus, but there also water plants such as Eichornia crasnpes, Pistia stratiotes and different kinds of grass. Among those we find the long leaves Paspa/um and Spartina that occupy large areas of the marsh. Many of them offer good shelter for several species of birds and mammals. 

"There are never end highways here."

The Taim Ecological Station has a varied fauna. The alligator Caiman /atirostris is included in national and international lists of endangered species. The most abounded bird is the black-neck-swan, Cygnus melancoryphus, the only real swam of the South America continent and one of the most beautiful in the world. It is the great star of Taim's bird fauna, yet also an endangered species. There are the Coscoroba coscoroba, the Dendrocygna, the Neta peposaca, the Trigrisonia spp, the Chauna torguata, the Casmerodis a/bus and many others. Among the mammals we find the Nutria or the marsh big rat, Myocastor coypus that has been intensively hunted because the high value of its skin, the Atenomys fIamarioni, the Hidrochoereus hidrochoereus. The swamp deer Blastocerus dichotomus has lived in Taim but in the beginning of this century it has been extinct due to men's predatory actions. 

Because the marsh is one of the last of this existing kind of ecosystem, the Taim Ecological Station has a special value as far as ecological studies are concerned. 

The Station has the support of a complete infrastructure for the development of researches. Public visit for leisure purposes is not allowed, but environmental education activities are encouraged and/or promoted.

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